After playing it, it would draw attention to the downgrade in design/content/pacing ever since. Before even playing it, it would draw attention to their graphical shortcomings and hurt their marketing. Imagine OOT with Prime 1 treatment compared to contemporary Zelda's. They're better off keeping it trapped on portables or a ROM in a sub service. When a new Zelda has that look, it's hard to imagine why they would want to do OOT remake in its original art style. Once the art/production style for Zelda changed to this cartoony/shaded look that is easier to get results with on even a tablet, the equation changed. Hate to quote myself but I think there is a lot more to this point thinking about it for a while. Their worst nightmare if you look at TotK.

Besides, if they did a full on HD remake of OOT, it would make other Zelda titles look shitty and would suddenly have to try harder with their new games. They will save OOT to bail them out of a fuck up -if/when a console doesn't do as well as they hoped, next holiday bam OOT remake. We got Prime because it isn't a big seller and therefore not a high stakes deal to them.
I think the decision to only release their most iconic 3D titles for portable was very intentional, it's the Disney Vault mentality. In that way OOT is the one that stands to benefit the most from a legit remaster/remake. Sure, it could be improved because it was their very first try and on N64 -the same way Resident Evil was a masterpiece that still benefited from some tweaking in the REmake. OOT just hasn't really been topped as a complete, flawless manifestation of 3D Zelda. Every Zelda since OOT is superior in some way or another -lets face it BOTW has by far the best overworld, its flaws are in other areas. The overworld and chibi Link (when it released) were my biggest hangups. WW managed to lock in both for 1 game which is a huge win, but it's kinda like having Lion King 2 in HD while the first is still trapped on VHS The theme usually seems to be, you have to pick whether you want the right look, or the right controls. In 2023 the best we have is a remake of the easiest to upscale Zelda and a Link's Awakening that no longer requires your imagination -now you know the world is made of plastic. When REmake came out, and Link was in Soul Calibur, I had dreams of a new Zelda or OOT improved remake that added new content and dungeons (kinda how Capcom did it). I'm excited for authentic remakes/remasters of the titles that either put Nintendo on the map (Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, StarFox) or were inspired by their blueprints/cast from the same mold before things got flaky (Prime).

What I'm trying to say is, WW to me is just another game. It's a fine game but a badly conceived product, and its art style is very easy to upscale for an upgrade. There's a reason OOT is the highest rated game of all time and Gamecube, with WW leading the pack, faceplanted. While I realize this is getting a bit subjective and flaky, I did mention games "made from the old mold" -not saying WW is a bad game AT ALL but it kicked off the age of "later Zeldas" along with SS, TP and BOTW in that it has merit but cannot even begin to approach the design sensibilities Nintendo had before this tipping point circa the GC era. So I think I need to reframe my take on this. I would look silly to say "Nintendo never does it except this 1 game.I mean 2.3.4.no 5 games" all day lol.